
Fireside Chats with Professor Imogen Mitchell AM

We invite you to access two valuable recordings from our recent evenings of heartfelt discussion with Professor Imogen Mitchell AM, a leading voice in transforming later-life care.

When we celebrate births, plan weddings, or prepare for retirement, we do so with intention and care. Yet when it comes to life's final chapter, we often find ourselves making rushed decisions in hospital corridors, rather than having thoughtful conversations around our kitchen tables.

Access the community webinar

Access the industry webinar
Caught in the Care Gap: Australia's Sandwich Generation Speaks

We Are The Sandwich Generation

Every night, as Australia sleeps, millions of us lie awake - worrying and wrangling while squeezed between raising our own children, managing careers, and coordinating care for aging parents. We're caught in an intricate dance of love and duty, trying to preserve ourselves while carrying the weight of multiple generations on our shoulders.

Your story matters

As our population rapidly ages, more Australians find themselves caught unprepared in this crushing middle space between generations - which is why your story needs to reach Parliament and the Federal Health Minister to help shape the support that millions of families desperately need.

Join thousands of Australian families speaking up for change.

Share your story


Too little, too late:

Our latest report is a contemporary review of the global evidence base, as well as industry and consumer research.

It reveals key insights about common experiences of the last twelve months of life across the community, particularly within health and aged care settings. We propose six actionable responses to ensure the best possible end-of-life experience for more Australians and their families.

Download our report

'Conversations that Count' Season 2

Click here to watch the latest episodes

This interview series shines a light on the untold stories of caring for a loved one through the last stage of life. It features raw and honest discussions about the challenges and joys of people across the country.

Listen and learn with us.